Patrick and I are reading through Genesis, with the intent of memorizing a few key verses along the way. One night this week I taught him the second half of Genesis 9:1 "...Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth." I also tried to explain that this is one passage that sets forth the "Dominion Mandate"; God's commissioning of mankind to subdue His creation.
The next morning I asked Patrick if he remembered his verse; which he did! Along with the name of the doctrine it teaches... sort of.
"Genesis 9:1 Be fwuitful... and multiply! And replensh... the earth!
...Daddy, that's the Dominoe Bandaid!"
Ah... the joy of seeing things through a child's eyes. :)
Still laughing over that one :-)
Keep your eyes (and ears) on that little guy!
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