Sunday, September 7, 2008

Sweet Home Alabama

Hard to believe... but today marks the two year anniversary of our arrival here in the great state of Alabama, fresh from the theological wasteland of the left coast. Praise God for allowing us to bring our children to the heritage-rich South, the homeland of my clan and the battleground of my ancestors!

May we be worthy of their legacy, proud of their example, and mindful of the cause for which they fought.

Deo Vindice!


mommyofmany said...

We're so glad God led you to make that move!

Stephen said...

WOW! Seems like just yesterday! Glad to have y'all down here.

Kristin said...

Alabama certainly feels like home now. It has flown by, hasn't it? I'm happy to be here, but then again, I'd be happy to be anywhere as long as it's with you!

I don't know about a "theological wasteland", though... There are more than a few good men still left on the other side of the country! ;-)